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Medivia Knight Guide: Ironbeard Project 225-333

 This Medivia Knight Guide is the third life thread of my character, Ironbeard, on Legacy. It covers levels 225 to level 350. 

This life-thread continues to cover Medivia leveling guide for knights, hunting places optimization tactics, mining guide, quests, and tasks progress such as: hunting tasks, gold and item reward tasks as well as Elf factionDwarf factionImperial factionOsaris factionOrc factionMinotaur factionGrim factionArchini factionLightbringers factionWhite Light factionOrder of the Holy Rose factionEfreet/Green Djinn faction, et cetera. 

    Concept & Rules

    1. Ironbeard is no longer an Iron Man character. No restrictions. I just use my judgement when shortcuts are legitimate and when it'd miss the point of having fun through the journey in the game. This is because for me, to keep the game fun is to keep the game challenging.
      Thus e.g. I play Legacy, "low rates"/"hardcore" and not high rates. Challenging != Grinding 'til you drop dead.
    2. Noteworthy: I essentially plan to keep obtaining my own equipment instead of upgrading by purchasing EQ from other players. The reason is that getting money is very easy, and fully upgraded equipment is relatively cheap. So I obtain (e.g. loot/get from quest) EQ on my own. Then I may buy the attributed version from players instead of gambling with my own money trying to attribute items (dislike gambling).

    Medivia Knight Guide: Ironbeard's Journey from level 225-333!

    February 2025

    Feb. 1st:
    Level 293

    January 2025

    Jan. 18:
    level 292

    Jan. 11:
    golden dragon, animation changed

    Jan. 9:
    completed and redeemed dwarf soldier task

    January 4th:

    Level 291

    mining skill 84

    December 2024

    Dec. 28:
    Completed & Redeemed the Priests of light task, White light faction.

    Dec. 27:
    Level 290

    Dec. 20:
    completed and redeemed Dwarf task :))

    Hobin Rood boss/task completed

    Dec. 13:
    Level 289

    Dec. 9:
    Mining Skill 83

    Dec. 7:
    Hunting Dwarf Generals. Lovely spot in my opinion. A Dwarven Helmet would be nice to have, but mostly just fun & hopefully going to fight the legendary version :)
    Level 288

    Dec. 1:
    Level 287

    November 2024

    Nov. 30:
    Melee Skill Advance: 112
    Screenshot showing updated EQ and skills.

    Hellforged Legs:
    I bought a nearly fully attributed pair for 1 million gold pieces.
    I spent another 3.9 million gps on fully attributing it. Unlucky.

    Nov. 29:
    Azure Legendary & Finally looted Hellforged Legs!

    Level 286

    Nov. 26:
    Level 285

    Nov. 24:
    Demonic Axe with Critical Hit attribute. Super firepower team of archers!

    Nov. 23:
    level 284, still trying to loot Demonic Axe & Hellforged Legs

    Nov. 19
    Captain Bigtoe

    Level 282, doing White Light Faction task of killing 1,000 Priests of Light

    Nov. 16
    azureblade, legendary version of Azure Mercenaries

    level 281

    Nov. 15
    Hunting more Azures. Trying to get Demonic Axe / Hellforged Legs.
    level 280

    Nov. 10
    Back to playing as a free account
    meteors, mittenhoff pit

    Nov. 7:
    level 278

    Nov. 2nd:

    burning crops, white light faction

    Completed Dark Grims task, Grim Faction

    Level 277

    Thorgarak, Grim faction

    November 1st:

    CrusadeLight, elite-legendary version of Lightbringer Hero

    level 275

    Ancient Watcher task, Archini Faction, Completed

    level 276, redeemed AWS task

    Staff of Primordial Fire

    Demon Lord Ozan

    October 2024

    Oct. 31:

    level 274

    voidseer, ancient watcher legendary

    Oct. 30:

    fishing 73

    level 273

    Oct. 26:

    AWs death

    Level 272

    Grim Faction bosses

    Oct. 25:

    Halloween Event

    Level 271

    Legendary Ogre Warrior. Supposed to be once per 300+ kills, but I killed about 5 or 6 in 800 task kills

    Oct. 24:

    Grim Legs Quest + Falcon access

    Level 270

    Oct. 23:

    Legendary Ancient Watcher. The first kill of AW for Archini Faction

    Level 269

    Oct. 20:

    Full Primordial Axe. Can't use it yet! I'll use it once I complete Archini --- instead of attributing on my own.

    Saequr, Archini Faction

    Level 268

    Ritual Task, Archini Faction

    Oct. 19:

    first Chimera kill. Killed few when doing Wulkan quest. Got mane!

    level 267 - Luana Hydras is a decent respawn

    Nightmares task completed, Archini Faction

    Completed Wulkan quest. Sold a lot of stuff which I spent the next day on a new weapon!

    Oct. 17:

    LB Heroes Tasking

    Level 265

    Level 266
    Lightbringer Heroes task completed, redeemed, Imperial Faction.

    I then went and finished the Peace Agreement task. Completely finished Imperial Faction.
    Got Blessed Amulet!

    Eschen meteor pit

    Completed Necromantica task, finished Order of the Holy Rose faction

    Oct. 16:

    Level 263

    Azure Mercenaries task completed - Order of the Holy Rose

    Arak Meteor Pit

    Level 264

    Albino Crocodile

    Lightbringer Heroes hunt for the task

    Oct. 11:

    Isingoma 2024

    Jungle Root Quest

    Level 262

    Venomscale, Hydra Elite

    Oct. 6:

    Oct. 5:

    elite azure

    EQ upgrade

    Went with Kid Bu Bu (sorcerer) to do Lord Azeran Quest, A.K.A. Helmet of the Ancients quest. 






    Quest completed - Helmet of the Fallen King

    Oct. 4th:

    Merga, Witch boss

    Got premium back after a long time :)

    Ironwarden, elite version of Imperial Soldier::: Helping Kid Bu Bu complete Royalists task

    level 261

    Demon Helmet Quest

    tested out Lightbringer Heroes with Kid Bu Bu

    Oct. 3rd:

    Black Crystals task, Grim Faction

    cooking 84

    cooking 85, 86

    September 2024

    Sept. 28:

    level 260

    meteors, mittenhoff pit

    Sept. 21:

    Golden Dragon, Elite Dragon Lord

    Level 259

    melee skill 111

    Sept. 14:

    Level 258

    Sept. 1:

    I'm busy irl & prioritizing other stuff. So simply chill and profit hunt once a week with the welfare experience boost. Stocking gold for SDs (for Azure Mercenaries, Lightbringer Heroes, AWS tasks)

    Level 257

    August 2024

    August 30:

    Level 256

    August 29:

    Level 255

    August 26:

    Snowball fight, minigames, medivia 13th anniversary

    Level 254


    August 24:

    Blue Wyvern task completed. Thanks to Lord Raiven for fun hunts!

    Level 252 at PoI Dragon Lords. Good for moneymaking & spending welfare EXP Boost as a free account knight :)

    Redeemed the Blue Wyverns task and gotten another level :)

    August 23:

    Level 251

    August 21:

    Level 250

    dunked Wiggy (Zardoc) as he tried aggressive moves against me in Lava game. No screenshot from Lightening game when he tried to push me and got hit by lightening himself =X

    August 20:

    Eschen meteorite pit

    August 19:

    level 249

    August 17:

    level 248

    August 16:

    level 247

    August 15:

    Level 246

    Mining 82. 
    Another mining skill in less than 10 days, only doing 3 mining spots per day.

    August 13:

    Level 245

    August 11:

    Level 244

    August 10:

    Level 243 at Blue Wyverns

    Death, downgrade from level 243 to 242

    Frozen Chamber Quest
    The Ancient Wyverns seemed to have dealt less damage than the regular Blue Wyverns (=weird)

    Obtained IceBound Legs
    Team: Lord Raiven (MS), ImakeUHs (ED), Dee Snuts (RP)

    Retaken level 243 in mini games

    August 8th:

    Level 242

    August 7th:

    Eschen meteorite pit

    Mittenhoff Meteorite pit

    August 6th:

    Level 241

    Mining 81

    August 4th:

    Level 240

    August 3rd:

    Thousand Eyes Watcher Boss. No loot. 
    Bestiary settings changed so I ended up w/o the Bestiary kill :( Lo Pan got it.

    Meteors, Mittenhoff

    Solo Normal level

    August 2nd:
    Level 239

    Completed & Redeemed the Royalists task of the Imperial Faction

    August 1st:

    Bugs in mini games

    July 2024

    July 27:
    mining 80

    messing around

    July 21:
    Level 238

    July 15:
    Level 237, during weekly boost

    Pig Task completed and redeemed for Piggy Bank, but mostly for fun and Bestiary.
    Best place for it isn't in the task module! It's outside Orc Fortress, Orc Land. 
    Each skull mark on the minimap represents a group of 5-6 pigs.

    July 13:
    Gieffrin for Bestiary

    Mining skill 79 :)

    July 12:
    View from Sir Fredde's clip >link to clip<
    Erebus killed
    Loot was awesome. 2x valuable recipes!

    Sir Fredde said in advance he'll UE, but then they SDed a bit and chased the boss around, so I figured I could try to melee, then he UEed and nearly wiped me :) I healed in time, and it was a funny event overall.

    Highly unfocused team. Nightmare level. The entire run up to the last boss was not going smooth. Somehow the final boss stage was extremely smooth though.
    Team: Fuj'ka, Alderbert Steiner, Mwuana.

    July 6:
    Eschen meteors pit was left unmined many hours after the raid happened, so I got it :)

    July 4:
    Level 236

    June 2024

    June 22:
    Best spot to explo Royalists at Fort Rivs; Reason I do it is because I max. the respawn as a Free Account only by doing that- a single time when I kill with Explosion runes, and this is the most effective way.

    Level 235

    June 21:
    weekly dwarf/mittenhoff dungeon run, this time with Fuj'ka & Zeppocu

    June 14:
    EQ Upgrade: General's Ring of Warding by doing Dwarf Dungeon

    June 12:
    Level 234; Started Royalists task for the Imperial Faction. Trying out strategies.

    June 11:
    Completed Ghosts task before running out of Premium time again :) 

    June 8:
    Forgula meteorite pit

    Level 233

    Death, 233 -> 232

    Regained level 233

    Completed & Redeemed the Lightbringer Knights task of the Imperial Faction

    June 7:
    Level 232

    June 6:
    Red Scale Armor - EQ upgrade

    June 5:
    Level 231

    May 2024

    May 28:

    May 27:
    Dwarf Dungeon

    May 24:

    Level 230

    Zilrazath, Archini Faction

    Azgath, Archini Faction

    May 20:
    Level 229 while tasking the Lightbringer Knights

    May 18:

    Honou, Osaris Faction finished (: (looted Baked Lionfish Recipe!)

    More Lightbringer Knights!

    Drake & Drake Lord at Osaris respawn

    May 17:

    May 14:

    May 13Gieffrin found again! killed again! 😃
    Gieffrin, Monk Boss for Ceremonial Mask task

    May 10th: Hunting in PoI DLs - i.e. main Dragon Lords respawn in Desolated Lands, Arak.
    level 226

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