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Showing posts with the label Gaming

Medivia Archer Lifethread (Lera levels 201-END, Part 2)

This life thread continues where the previous life thread, covering Lera's Medivian journey from level 1 to level 200 , stopped. It is also useful as a Medivia Archer Guide for hunting places, showing the leveling guide of a sort, faction progress, mining skills, et cetera. It documents some of the moments from level 201 and until ... the end! Enjoy :)

Medivia Archer Lifethread (Lera level 1-200, Part 1)

This post serves as a record of images and notes over my gaming/playing journey in Medivia .  It is also useful as a Medivia Archer Guide for hunting places, showing the leveling guide of a sort, faction progress, mining skills, et cetera. Tim (" Lil Timmeh ") & Joris (" Raiven "), old friends from Tibia , convinced me to try Medivia out. I've created Lera , an archer/ranger, on 22  January 2021. I've rush through Novus, levels 1-8 in no time, quite "all in, if I die who cares" style. And I was indeed killed by a pack of wolves when I was level 4. I consulted with Tim before choosing a vocation. He recommended either Druid or Ranger. I chose to be a scout/ranger.  Once I got to the main land, I arrived to the city of Eschen. I was given a decent equipment and about 20-30k from Tim to sponsor any adventure I'd like.  I finished the Trolls & the Swamp Trolls hunting tasks until level 13. Since then I tried to consistently take screen shot...